“The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymous Bosch, Glastonbury Festival, 2006.

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A three day re-creation with 120 festival goers, Lost Vagueness Field, Glastonbury, Somerset, England.

Acrylic on panel  220cm x 195 cm. Part sponsored by Prestel Publications.

Chosen to reflect the utopianism and hedonism of the festival, the painting represents Bosch’s vision of an imaginary paradise, as if original sin had never happened. ” Lets imagine that Eve never took a bite from that apple, there would have been no temptation and no fall. No punishement for revelling in earthly delights and passion.” Melanie Klier, Prestel Publications.

Thanks to: Ian Hill, Jimmy Zarate, Ryan de Silva, Lost Vagueness.


Square no: from top left Participant

/1 Charles Brockbank / 2 Mandy Beattie / 3 Josh Pearce / 4 Ruben White / 5Jeiena Stanounik/ 6 Anna Brennan /7 Alex Marrache / 8 Holly Marshall /9 Clair Breen / 10 Claire Leona Apps / 11 Beah Kaufmann / 12 Rod Turner / 13 Rosie Dinnen / 14 Priya Nicholas /15 Padski. / 16 Rich Oliver / 17 Ayesha/18 Rawden Enever/ 19 Kirsty Fraser / 20 Will Cooper / 21 Susannah Godaloua/ 22Diana Denman/ 23 Johann Don-Daniel/ 24 Wayne Mannings and Kate Hansen/ 25 Lucy Wright/ 26 Will Clarke/ 27 Rose Stachniewska/ 28 Lewis Knight/ 29 Helen Sipthorp and Tom Allen/ 30 Andi/ 31 Ben Wray/ 32 Sasha Bal/ 33 Kate Ingram / 34 Bryony and Helen Stables/ 35 James Cooke / 36 Gareth Coop/ 37 Ian Evans/ 38 Rosa Robson/ 39 Ellen Mcintosh/ 40 Maddie Harris/ 41 Ryan De Silva/ 42 Guy/ 43 Paul Reed/ 44 Alyson Agar/ 45 Jane Harris/ 46Allison Brown/ 47 Jolene Philp and Marcus Boal/ 48 Dom@ Juice Magazine/ 49 Theresa Mason / 50 Kim Emoon / 51 Ruth Garvin / 52 Craig Donaghy / 53 Colette Pidgeon/ 54 Isabelle Sheridan / 55 Karl Surmacz / 56 Joanna Tubbs / 57 Nick Measday / 58 Luke and Faye/ 59 James Ross / 60 Tracy Taylor /61 Jenny Osborne / 62 Kathryn Nicklin/ 63 Robin Norton Hale/ 64 Cassie Holland/ 65 Jess/ 66 Fiona Phillips/ 67 Dan Higginson/68 Angie Walker/ 69 Elizne Zoo/ 70/ Jimmy Zarate/ 71Sarah Jackson/ 72 Adrian Kennedy and Rose Kennedy/ 73 Xen/ 74 Matt and Katie Lazenby/ 75 Maeve/ 76 Juliette Tobin/ 77 Paul Cornwell/ 78 James Cooper/ 79 Dominic O Rourke/ 80 Lisa Barker and Lucy Taylor/ 81 Bill/ 82 A Caoinhe/ 83 Ci’en and Johnny/ 84 Nick Bourne/ 85 Joanne Fox/ 86 Tom King/ 87 Sarah Hiew/ 88 Martha Lachkolnig/ 89 Natalia/ 90 Jason Thornfield/ 91 Steve and Poppy Wakefield/ 92 Abbi Evans/ 93 Tina McCallan/ 94 Georgia Anderson / 95 Tessa Wong/ 96 Judy Loveday 97/Laura Imrie/ 98 Isabel Holland/ 99? / 100 Kirsten Neil/ 101 Lisa Layzell/ 102 Deena Omar/ 103 Vic Doyle/104 Stafford and Laura/ 105 Katherine Kew / 106 Charlotte Barclay/ 107 Andy Hoggart/ 108 Pippa Hodges/ 109 Tarala Comber/ 110 Nicola Ingram/ 111 Vanessa?/112 Lissie Rowe/ 113 Dylan Wigoder/ 114 Loiuse Roberts/ 115 Rebecca/ 116 Richard Frazer/ 117 Kate Mc Gough/ 118 Alison Evans / 119 Graham Bates/ 120 Ashleigh Berger.

  • Date: 2010
  • Client: Glastonbury Festival
  • Filed under: Re-Creations