“The Arnolfini Marriage” by Jan Van Eyck, Guernsey Grammar School, 1999.

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Re-Created by ex-Guernsey Grammar School Girls.
1999, oil on canvas, 81cm by 60 cm, 77 people over two weeks.

This was the first Re-Creation. I was invited to be artist in residence for two weeks at my old school. As I walked into the building lots of memories came flooding back. I remembered a painting that used to hang in the Assembly hall and I used to stare at it aged 12 whilst singing hymns. I asked where the reproduction was now and nobody knew so I had the idea to re-create the painting with all the ex-pupils of the school and re-hang it in the place where it used to be. The project was advertised in the local paper and on the radio and many ex-grammar school girls came to paint square including my old art teacher, Ms Knight. The finished re-creation was re-hung and unveiled as part of an evening performance including myself and my assistant, Ian Hill, who dressed up as characters from the painting and did an improvised dance performance.


Janet Lang, Ross Benton, Vanessa Lloyd, Fiona Richmond, Carolyn Myryam, Nicky Fallaize, Nicky Tostevin, Christine Haskins, Mary Devonshire, Jacquie Williams, Naomi Johns,Gina Bush, Angela Ferbrache, Rosemary Harvey, Angela le Page, Lois de Lacheur, Anne Perrio, Corral Smith, Jennifer Wetherall, Dawn Madell, Stepahnie Morris Rowland, Liz O’Brien, Wendy Woodcock, Lillian Blackwell, Margaret Colognoli, Pauline Raine, Shirley McClement, Valerie Travers, Katie Trapp, Elaine Harrison, Tracey Atkinson, Kathryn Prince, Sally Windsor, Mrs Windsor, Patricia Aslett, Micelle Phillips, Margaret Le Lievre, Lindsey Edmonds, May Knight, Muriel Martel, Kathleen, Chapple, Mandy Nash, Catherine Bateman, Maddy Hearne, Anne Carman, Kerry Luscombe and others.

  • Date: 1999
  • Client: Guernsey Grammar School for Girls
  • Filed under: Re-Creations