A Re-creation of Tara at the beautiful Suriyalila Yoga retreat centre, in Andalusia, part of the Escape Christmas retreat 2016, thanks to all who painted and especially to Vidya Heisal for the commission. Special thanks go to Karina, Brenda, Ling, Lilliana, Steph and Kathryn, Lidiya, Patrick, Gurvinder, and the amazing Suryalila team as well as Rishi and Kumari, the cutest dogs in the universe. The finished painting hangs in the centre. Thanks also to Julian May for taking pictures.
Participants and squares
1.Gurvinder Singh 2.Brenda Burrell 3.Steph 4. Tony Mason 5.Della Westergren 6.Liliana Carbonne 7.Tina 8.Vidya’s Friend 9. Mahesh Marina 10. Patrick Mcaleer 11.Steph Weller 12.? 13.Tina McCallan 14.Frank Hodgeson 15.Saeed Khan 16. Andres 17 James Bourne 18.Tina 19?. 20 Karina Variah 21 Tina 22.Tony Mason 23.Steph 24. Emma Wahlberg 25. Vidya 26 Tina McCallan 27 Vidya 28 Lina Mendoza Lanzetta 29 Tina…. 30 Sarb Atwal 31 Pam Wiggins 32 Clare Malley 33 Gurvinder 34 Steph Weller 35 Brenda Burrell 36 Karina Variah 37 Liliana Carbon 38 Steph 39 Saraih 40 Leela 41Della/Rosa 42 Rosa Garcia 43 Lola 44 Mirella Dykshorn 45 Emma Wahlberg 46 Anyssa Neumann 47 Tara Palmer 48 Kosmo Sue 49 Karina 50.?…..51 Anyssa Nuemann 52 Lola Gálvez 53 Liliana Carbonne 54 ?…. 55 Kathryn Cullen 56 Jayne Doyle 57 Karina 58 Karina 59 Mike Hurwitz 60 Patrick 61 Kathryn Cullen 62 Marielle Van Vliet 63 Jules 64 Melissa Jones 65 Surabhi Taori 66 Jocelyne Sacre 67 ? 68 James 69 Jules May 70 Jean Paul Booth/Karina 71 Tina 72 Lydia 73 Andres Jaramillo 74 ? 75 Andres Jaramillo 76 Saraih 77 Jaffa de la Fontaine 78 Rosa 79 Brenda Burrell 80 Karina 81 Alice Davies 82 Brenda 83 Lola 84 Vincent 85 Kathryn 86 Ling Mann 87 Julika Kennaway 88 Rosa 89 Karina 90 Jaffa de la Fontaine 91 Kieran Kazmi 92 Lola 93 Rosie Ferguson 94 Brenda 95 Pam 96? 97 Leela 98 Sariah 99 Leela 100 Freya Barnes